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Question 4 - we asked:

There have been examples where the Durham police have advised the council against lowering speed limits on roads where cyclists experience dangerous overtaking and poor driving. For example, Shincliffe Peth in Durham was described as "too rural" in appearance and it was suggested this would make motorists less likely to comply with a lower speed limit. There are very few fixed speed cameras in County Durham, and the Durham force issues a disproportionately low number of speeding tickets compared to national figures. Do you see a need for change, and what would you hope to achieve in office to reduce danger from people driving too fast?

We asked this question:

1 of the candidates responded as below.

Those candidate(s) which were elected are highlighted.

Anne-Marie CURRY
(Liberal Democrat)

I spent 4 years living in Holland and would really encourage the use of speed cameras and those that capture number plate too. if we want to encourage people to cycle we as the police and councils need to work together to make it safer. if Council can not make dedicated safe routes then, police need to recommend safer options. The council needs to explore widening some roads or slowing the traffic down.

SPACE for Durham is a non-partisan body. All candidates are given an equal opportunity to submit their views. Information published by SPACE for Durham, c/o 35 Archery Rise, Durham, DH1 4LA.