SPACE for Durham stands for Safe Pedestrian and Cycling Environment for Durham.
We are residents of Durham and its surroundings, and we walk, cycle, use public transport and drive. We are not affiliated to any political party, and while we support the aims of other campaign groups, we have no formal affiliation.
Our aims
The aim of the organisation is to promote healthy, liveable, accessible and safe neighbourhoods where:
- Walking and cycling are safe, practical and attractive travel options for residents of all ages and abilities.
- Streets are easier and safer to navigate for residents or visitors with limited mobility and for residents or visitors with disabilities or conditions for whom travel is a challenge.
- There is good walking and cycling access to local community destinations including schools, shops, medical centres, work-places and transport hubs.
- Streets are valued as places where people live, meet and socialise, and not just for travelling through or parking on.
- The negative consequences of excessive vehicle traffic including injury and illness from road traffic collisions, air pollution, community severance, noise pollution and delays are minimised.
We are all pedestrians and support the priorities of the national Living Streets campaign, which calls for:
- 20mph speed limits in urban areas
- Reduction in street clutter
- Segregated space for pedestrians and cyclists
- Prohibition of pavement parking
- Age friendly streets
We support the 6 principles of the national Space for Cycling Campaign:
- Protected space on main roads
- Removing through motor traffic in residential areas
- Lower speed limits
- Cycle-friendly town centres
- Safe routes to school
- Routes through green spaces
The campaign seeks to collaborate with the key stakeholders in Durham to bring about the changes that are needed to allow everyone, young and old, male and female, to have the choice to walk or cycle safely for everyday journeys.
Please join us, to add your voice to the campaign.