We have today sent out invitations to participate in our survey to candidates in the forthcoming elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner and for the County Council. For the council elections we are starting small and covering just a few electoral divisions. We have prepared questions for several more divisions, and if all goes well we will send out further invitations before the weekend.
The responses will be made public on the evening of Sunday 18 April, just before postal votes are sent out. You will then be able to see which candidates have decided to respond to the survey, and what their views are. Candidates are permitted to submit responses right up to polling day.
In the meantime, you can view the questions we have included in the surveys. If you get any literature through the door, do please contact your candidates to ask them to complete the survey, but check whether your division is covered first please! You can also access the survey using the Election Survey link in the menu bar.
Because candidates for the elections are allowed to keep their addresses private, we have not been able to contact all of the candidates. If you are such a candidate, and you would like to participate, please contact us to make arrangements.
We only get the chance to elect our county councillors every four years. They have much influence on local matters such as providing safe cycle and walking routes. If we are to make progress in tackling climate change this decade, we must not waste the years from 2021 to 2025 by electing councillors who are not brave enough to bring about change!
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